Declared to be of Galician Tourist Interest in 2022.
Easter isa centuries-old tradition in the municipality of Padrón, being one of the most important festivities held in this town linked to Rosalía de Castro.
In 1609, Xerónimo del Hoyo, cardinal of Santiago de Compostela, wrote about our cattle markets. It was already one of the most important ones in Galicia and was held in the place called Campo Grande and in a chestnut grove, “featuring all types of goods and cattle, which were bought by traders from Castile and Portugal in order to supply their lands.” It was held several times per year. “The first one is at Easter and lasts for three days; the second, at the time of the Litanies and lasts for three days; the third, on St. John’s Day and lasts for two days; the fourth, on the Feast of Our Lady in September and lasts for three days; and finally, on All Saints’ Day and it lasts for two days. The best ones are at Easter, Litanies and September” (Xosé Filgueira Valverde, Pascua 1995).
The cattle market acquired a festive and religious spirit, since it coincided with the time of Holy Week; it is now one of Galicia’s most outstanding festivals.
Padrón Town Council invites all pascueiros (Easter lovers) to enjoy itstwo weeks of festivities, featuring processions, a funfair, octopus stands, markets, music… and a wide range of activities for all ages.
+ info: turismo@padron.gal