Rosalía de Castro

Rosalía de Castro was born in 1837 in Santiago de Compostela, and registered as a child of unknown parents (actually, the noble Maria Teresa de la Cruz de Castro and Abadia and of the priest José Martinez Viojo.

Her major works are books of poems: Cantares Gallegos (1863, in Galician), a revulsion of the sleeping Galician culture; Follas Novas (1880, in Galician) and En las orillas del Sar (1884, in Castilian). Rosalie received the influence of Romanticism (Espronceda, Becquer …) and Fernan Caballero admired as a woman-writer.

In 1858 she married the writer Manuel M. MurguÍa with whom she had seven children, which all died without descendants. In 1885, she died at his home in A Matanza, and she was buried in the Adina Cemetery. In 1981 her remains were moved to the church of Santo Domingo de Bonaval, in the Panteón de Gallegos Ilustres, in Santiago de Compostela.

In 1947, a patronage to Rosalia de Castro was created to recover her home in Padrón called Casa da Matanza which in 1971 was converted into a museum dedicated to her memory. The house, where she lived until her death in 1885, retains its original structure virtually unchanged. In the museum, you can see photos of the poet, of her family and friends, personal mementos, writings, and a host of everyday objects from the XIX century.​

+ info: Casa Museo Rosalía de Castro

The Rosalianos Studies Center, educational classroom and Auditorium are in adjacent buildings.

In 1980, Avelino Abuín de Tembra established the Rosalía Route, which features a tour around places linked to Rosalía de Castro’s life in the municipalities of Ames, Brión, Dodro, Padrón and Santiago de Compostela. This route was renewed and updated by the same municipalities under the name “Ruta Rosaliana”.

+ info: Ruta Rosaliana

Rosalía de Castro