Legends, rites and stories
“Intangible cultural heritage or “living heritage” refers to the practices, representations, expressions, knowledge and skills handed down from generation to generation: oral traditions and expressions, performing arts, social practices, rituals and festive events, knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe, traditional craftsmanship.
This heritage provides communities with a sense of identity and continuity: it favours creativity and social welfare, contributes to the management of the natural and social environment, and generates economic income.
Communities should participate in identifying and defining intangible cultural heritage, since they are the ones that decide what practices form part of their cultural heritage.”
This is how UNESCO describes the importance of intangible cultural heritage. That is why Padrón Tourism has included this section in which we will publish information that you, Padrón’s residents, send us by e-mail turismo@padron.gal
This is how UNESCO describes the importance of intangible cultural heritage. That is why Padrón Tourism has included this section in which we will publish information that you, Padrón’s residents, send us by e-mail (turismo@padron.gal).
You can send any information related to: oral tradition, stories, legends, rites, customs, social practices, festive events, knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe, ancestral skills, craft techniques… Anything else that you consider interesting. Here are some examples that we have already compiled…