Padrón with the family 

Our town is a friendly place for families… In the centre, you can find several shops that sell everyone you need for your kids, as well as companies that organise children’s activities.

We have accommodation establishments that offer large rooms for families, and different restaurants and take-aways.

Logotipo de las pegadas de Rosalía de Castro

Rosalía de Castro Route for a one-day drive, with all the featured sites being suitable for visiting with children. For more information, visit the website:


The Camino de Santiago to Padrón (called “Pedronía”) includes some sections that are ideal for walking or cycling along with the family. For more information:

Peregrino visitando Padrón

Visiting Padrón on your own, following these recommendations, or participating in guided tours organised by the Town Council –check the programme in the Entertainment Guide:

Turismo deportivo en Padrón

Galipark: this multi-adventure park offers family packages that include admission and different activities. See its website for more information: