Autum in Padrón

Aindaina no Ulla

“Enjoy the Ulla River” Walk

Sports event

Early October. Last time held 05/10/19


Start and finish at Social Centre inPadrón

GPS: 42.736216, -8.660601

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RA circular route that runs along the banks of the Sar and Ulla rivers, with a fairly flat profile along the Ulla riverbank, in the parish of Herbón, as far as the confluence with the Ulla River. Approximate distance: 12 kilometres.

+ INFO: Sports Department tlf. 664076974,

Tourist Department tlf. 646593319

Saborea Padrón

​“Saborea Padrón” (Savour Padrón) Gastronomy Festival

Gastronomy event


Times specified in programme


GPS: 42.738347, -8.660527

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Tapas competition in which several eateries in Padrón offer a range of tapas, made mainly with Galician produce. The competition’s best tapas are chosen by the clients. The participating public can also opt for special prizes, as well as access to activities included in the festival.

+ INFO: Saborea Padrón

Liga de chave

“Llave” throwing league

Sports event

From October to July (ten months)

Hora do evento

Paseo do Espolón/ Pavillón do Souto (pavilion)

GPS: Paseo do Espolón 42.738550, -8.661726
Pavillón do Souto 42.735293, -8.660624

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The annual “llave” throwing league is played in pairs and follows the school calendar, ending in the month of July.

+ INFO: Sports Department: tlf. 664076974,

Outono cultural

Cultural AUTUMN

Cultural event

Months of October, November, December

19:30 horas

Municipal Auditorium

GPS: 42.738347, -8.660527

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Musical and theatre performances for adults organised by the Culture Department.


Premios de Teatro

“Maruxa Villanueva” Theatre Interpretation Prize

Theatre competition

Currently being evaluated by the panel of judges, whose decision will be announced in the first fortnight in February 2021.

Culture Department, Padrón Town Hall

GPS: 42.738347, -8.660527

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The prize is awarded to actors or actresses that participate in a Galician-language theatre performance during the current year or, where applicable, to an actor or actress that stands out in this field. It features €1,200 in prize money (including applicable taxes), a diploma and a bust of the actress Maruxa Villanueva.